In 2018, K.R. Engineering products made the leap from standard SL prims to mesh. While mesh has revolutionized the SL landscape, it is not without certain limitations. In the case of our games, the biggest issue is that mesh cannot be scripted to change shape the way standard and sculpty prims can. For this reason, each table/theme we offer is now a standalone object, and our games take the form of digital licenses which we store on our server for you. You can use any K.R. Engineering table or theme that you own to access your entire K.R. Engineering game collection.
In order to clarify the fact that our tables and games are separate objects, we decided to make them separate purchases. For this reason, you will not automatically receive a table or theme when you purchase a game. You must purchase one separately, or choose from one of our free options.
You may want to think of our new mesh tables and themes like game consoles (for example, a Playstation or a Nintendo Switch). If you purchased a digital game on the Playstation Network or Nintendo eShop, you would need the appropriate console in order to play it. If you didn’t have a console, the game would be useless to you. Similarly, you must own one of our mesh tables or themes in order to access your game collection.
We can also use the game console example in other ways. If you purchased a digital game on the Playstation Network or Nintendo eShop (or on Steam), you wouldn’t expect the company to mail you a physical disk of that game. Similarly, when you purchase a digital game from K.R. Engineering, you will not receive a physical object. Instead, your game will be assigned to your account in the cloud, and you will need a mesh theme or table to access it.
In order to guide our customers, and remind them that they must own both a table/theme and a game, we have placed signs in multiple locations in our store. You can click each picture in order to view a larger version.
In addition to our premium themes, we offer a handful of free themes. They are located on the wall along with the other themes, and currently include Classic, Pocket, and Postmodern. Please click here for a SLURL to their location.
If you are a brand new customer, we also have a special promotion to help you get started. If you purchase the Infinite theme before you purchase your first game, you will receive L$399 in store credit (equivalent to the price of the table). You can then apply this credit toward your first game purchase, or toward any purchase in our store.

The Infinite theme is located directly next to the front door. It is highlighted in bright, glowing green.
In order to use your store credit, simply click on the vendor you wish to purchase from.
You should then see a menu pop up with three buttons. Click the one that says “Use Credit.” You will then be prompted to pay the remainder, if applicable.