If you just purchased or otherwise received a game license, you may be wondering where the actual game is. Our new mesh tables and themes function as rezzers, and can rez any of your game licenses. Therefore, you’re not looking for an item that contains the name of the game you purchased (for instance, if you just purchased a copy of Greedy Greedy, you aren’t looking for an object called “Greedy Greedy”). Instead, you’re looking for the table or theme you want to use to play Greedy Greedy.
Look for the folder you received after opening your table or theme delivery box. You should find an item in your inventory that is called “K.R. Engineering Game System” and rez that into the world. Once you’ve got that, simply click and hold your mouse button on it for a few seconds, and a menu should appear. Choose “Games,” and then select the game you want to play. For more information, see the Game Rezzer System section.