Under the old prim table system, themes were changed by accessing a menu through the table. Under the new mesh system, each table/theme is its own individual object, and must be rezzed out separately. This is due to one of the major limitations of mesh — unlike standard or sculpted prims, mesh cannot be programmed to change shape.
When you migrate your previous purchases to the new mesh system, you should receive packages containing updated mesh copies of any sculpty themes that you owned, if mesh versions are available. If you don’t receive these, you can use the redelivery terminal to request they be sent again. If you owned any sculpty add-on themes prior to migration, you will also receive a Legacy rezzer that will allow you to use those with your new licenses. The Legacy table works just like the old tables did, with the themes accessible through the tabletop menu.
If you are a new customer, and you would like to own additional themes, you can simply purchase any of the themes available at our store. K.R. Engineering tables and themes can play any game for which you currently have a license, so if you already own games, you’re ready to play.