Occasionally, due to SL glitches or user error, a game license may become “hung up” in our server. This results in a game that may appear to be running, but won’t react to user commands, as well as text warnings stating that the game is “unlicensed” or that the license is unavailable. This does not mean that your license has been revoked or lost. It simply needs to be freed up again. There are several ways to accomplish this.
- Click and hold on the table again in order to bring up the rezzer menu. (On some tables, if you click and hold on the game itself, you may bring up the game-specific menu; in that case, you would see a button that says “Rezzer ->.” Click that button to access the rezzer menu.) Then, click the button that says “Games,” and then the button that says “None.” This will shut down your game. You can then restart it.
- If that doesn’t work, you can click on the Gaming.SL logo on your game tabletop. A menu will appear. Click the button that says “G.SL Force.” This will force the license to clear up in our server.
- If the steps above do not work, you can delete the rezzed table and game elements and wait for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes of failing to communicate with our server, the license will automatically free up for use.
You can prevent game licenses from becoming hung up in this way by:
- Always turning your game off fully after you’re done playing. This is done by following the first set of directions above. Click and hold on the table again in order to bring up the rezzer menu. (On some tables, if you click and hold on the game itself, you may bring up the game-specific menu; in that case, you would see a button that says “Rezzer ->.” Click that button to access the rezzer menu.) Then, click the button that says “Games,” and then the button that says “None.”
- Not attempting to start a second instance of a game while that game is being played on another table. Remember, one license equals one game. If you’re running your only Greedy Greedy license on a table at home, for example, and go over to someone else’s place and rez out a copy, you may see a license error. This is because your game is already running back at home. You will have to shut it down, following the instructions above, in order to free up the license for use elsewhere. Alternatively, if you buy another Greedy Greedy license, you will be able to play the game on two tables at once.
- Not picking up, moving, or deleting your table while a game is running. Shut down your game using the steps above before doing so.